Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Pre Production: Storyboard

After struggling to come up with an idea that incorporated all of my partner's ideas, we were finally able to come up with a pretty good idea for our final film project.

So the theme we came up with was a psychological thriller. The overall plot is of a man who has kidnapped a bunch of kids and mentally believes that they are his children.

Some ideas that we have come up with to make our idea come into reality is by alternating scenes from him making dinner to feed his "kids" and scenes of what happened with the kidnapping (ex: showing missing posters/a bulletin board consisting of pictures of the kids, etc) which shows the difference from fantasy and reality.

We were also thinking about using glitches to also  show the difference between the kidnapper's fantasy with reality. So, for example, at the end where the "family" is happy and sitting around the dinner table, a glitch will change the scene to the kids being in handcuffs and the man is the only one eating, showing the reality.

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