Tuesday, December 10, 2019

The Secret Life of Mrs.Cowden: Editing Project

After learning about different types of edits, I had the opportunity to use this new knowledge by creating a short film out of my teacher's previously filmed clips.

For example, we utilized transitions such as dissolve, fade in/out, wipe, jump cut, iris open, etc.

And edits such as reverse on-screen motion and time lapse.

When figuring out where to put these simple edits, it was easy. After learning what the edits were for and how to utilize them, we made sure that transitions (ex; Fade in/out and Iris open) were put in places that made sense (ex; fade in in the beginning, and fade out at the end).

The project, overall, helps me when thinking about my film, because it showed me that putting certain edits in without a specific reason makes the film look sloppy, but when it is utilized in a beneficial manner, it can bring out a certain emotion/feeling which can improve the film.

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