Sunday, November 24, 2019

Research: Psychological Thrillers

I've realized that my genre idea of horror/thriller/suspense for my opening film sequence is too broad, and after researching three sequences from various films, I have noticed that I really enjoy psychological thrillers and that I could possibly be able to portray it in my film. I have also taken the time to research a bit on this particular genre as well.

Psychological Thrillers: a thriller narrative which emphasizes the unstable or delusional psychological states of its characters.

Movie Examples

Image result for split genre   Image result for hide and seek movie genre   Image result for se7en   Image result for panic room genre

What makes a Psychological Thriller?

-To make the thriller 'psychological" the threat/suspense has to come from the mind rather than being a physical element, and the protagonist has to use her/his mind to solve the trouble or mystery she is in.
-  A thriller's (specifically)  main aim is to keep the audience alert and stressed where the protagonist faces with series of problems that she/he needs to solve (ex: a mission, an escape or to solve a mystery).
-Psychological thrillers generally emphasize the unstable or delusional mental and emotional conditions of the characters, and focus on the devious depths of the human mind.
- Popular themes portrayed in these films: Death;Mind;Perception;Identity;Existence.

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