Friday, November 22, 2019

Analysis: Three Opening Clips

Since I have came up with the idea of making the genre of my short clip Horror/Suspense (or something in that wheelhouse), I have researched the openings to various films under the same genre(s).  (As of right now, I don't have a concrete idea/storyline for my opening film sequence but I took these openings that are really different in comparison in an attempt to figure out something that I would love to have in my project.)


Analysis: The movie "Se7en" is a psychological thriller and the opening truly represents it. The distorted sounds/music along with the glitching and fast paced camera movements make the audience feel uncomfortable and gives off a creepy vibe.

Panic Room

Analysis:  The movie "Panic Room" is a crime/thriller but the opening didn't really show it. It's very plain as it repeats the same sort of skyscraper images but with different names/credits being displayed. The music kind of gives of a suspenseful feel and the many camera movements/angles are intriguing, but overall the opening is pretty basic and doesn't give off any sense of what the movie is going to be about.


Analysis:  The movie "Insidious" is a horror/thriller and the opening shows it. The mise en scene of the film including the colors (black and white = creepy) and the lighting (low key) displays a sinister picture. The fact that one object moves within each frame and the high/low violin music that varies in pace also allows for a frightening feel.

Verdict: If I was to choose to mimic one of these openings in my final film I would have to go with the "Se7en" opening. I believe that it truly represents its genre and if I was to specifically go with the psychological thriller genre this opening would be one of the best to embody in my film.

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